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The Driving Force of Kodiak Trucking
Company Driver
Average Pay:
Currently Hiring:
Bakersfield, CA
$800 - $1500/wk
Full time; Mon - Fri
Currently accepting applicants
Company drivers performs the main function of Kodiak Trucking. The driver is responsible for transporting various types of aggregate materials from one location to another for several customers. We haul aggregate material and now have cement mixers. You can expect to be loading and unloading aggregate to key locations within and outside Bakersfield, CA. You can be hired as a truck-specific driver, but that depends on what types of drivers we are looking for at the current time. If you have just the Class A with no endorsements, you can be hired as a Super Ten driver. But if you have your Class A with doubles and triples endorsements, then you are eligible to drive our other various trucks, such as flatbeds, belly dumps, and cement mixers.
If you have your own truck, see our owner operator page.
About this role
Local driving to and from loading and unloading sites requiring sitting for long periods of time.
Driving out of the city, sometimes but rarely out of state (for example Arizona).
Communicating and coordinating with dispatchers.
Obeying and following applicable traffic laws.
Maneuver truck into loading or unloading positions.
Completing Freight bills/Timecard of working hours.
Ensuring any mechanical issues with the vehicle are corrected and addressed before driving the assigned truck. This is done through the responsibility of completing daily pre-trip inspection reports. Pre-trip and Post-Trip Inspections require walking and crouching
Driver must be able to enter and exit the equipment by stepping off and on with slight bent of the knees.
Driver must be able to walk 20 minutes a day without exertion.
Driver must be able to physically lift arms above their head. (Example: Climbing on the truck box ladder to clean).
Driver must be able to lift a shovel for truck box cleaning that requires shoveling.
Driver must be able to physically push 50lbs and pull 50lbs horizontally. (Example: Lowering the hood for truck inspections)
Driver must be able to have good hand-eye coordination. Such coordination of the hands, legs and eyes are used to maintain a fast reaction time on the roads.
Visual and hearing acuity required for safely carrying out the duties of a truck driver.
What to expect from this role
Hourly wages vary depending on the job type but you can expect to make anywhere from $800-$1500 a week - starting.
We may assist with relocation expenses depending on your experience as a driver. This means if you are a very experienced driver and you would like to drive for Kodiak Trucking Inc., then we can assist with moving expenses if you decide to move to our Bakersfield, CA; which is where our headquarters is.
Flexible work schedule.